Vacuum Smells Like Burning: What it Could Mean

It doesn’t take much to make a burning smell in the vacuum, but it can be challenging to figure out. Typically burning smells are not good, and they can indicate many different problems. This article …

It doesn’t take much to make a burning smell in the vacuum, but it can be challenging to figure out. Typically burning smells are not good, and they can indicate many different problems. This article will cover what burning smells could mean for your vacuum cleaner, how often you should clean your vacuum’s filter, and what steps you should take if the burning smell won’t go away or it is accompanied by smoke coming from the vacuum.

If Vacuum Smells Like Burning: Main Causes

There are many burning smell causes in a vacuum. If you recently had an electrical fire or if there is some sort of burning odor and smoke coming from the vacuum, then stop using it and contact your local electrician immediately or consult the USA Office of Electricity (official webcite).

However, there are also other burning smell causes that don’t require immediate attention but should be looked into. For example: burning rubber, burning wires or burning insulation can all cause a burning smell in the vacuum cleaner.

  • Can a vacuum overheat?

Yes, it can. A burning smell is a sign that the vacuum cleaner has overheated and needs to be turned off immediately before there’s even more damage done. After letting your machine cool down for at least an hour or two you should unplug it and check what might have caused such overheating.

  • Can a vacuum smell burnt?

Yes, it’s possible for a vacuum to smell burnt. This might be caused by an electrical issue or something else burning inside the vacuum cleaner. If your vacuum smells like burning, turn it off and unplug it immediately so you don’t cause any further damage. Check what might have caused the burning smell and take steps to fix it.

  • Can a vacuum start a fire?

Yes, it’s possible for a vacuum cleaner to start a fire. If your vacuum smells like burning, turn it off and unplug it immediately so you don’t cause any further damage. Check what might have caused the burning smell and take steps to fix it.

If Vacuum Smells Like Burning: Mechanical problems

  • Debris Clog

If your vacuum cleaner’s brush roller and belt become trapped between one another while vacuuming, it will emit a burning odour. Remove the rug or item from your vacuum cleaner carefully after turning off and unplugging it.

The first step to figuring out what’s causing such an unpleasant odor is turning off the power and pulling out any visible objects like hair, lint or string that might be stuck inside of the machine. Then use compressed air to remove any dust bunnies sitting around on top of the filter bag.


  • Broken belt 

If you notice that your vacuum smells burning every time you turn it on, there might be something wrong with the belt. Shut off the vacuum and unplug it before trying to fix the belt yourself; otherwise you could get injured. Many people try to fix belts without knowing what they’re doing and end up hurting themselves in the process so always consult an expert if needed. To replace the motor belt, remove the bottom plate of your vacuum cleaner. Take a look at the motor and the belt. If it is broken or if it looks like it’s about to break, then replace it with a new one.

  • Brush Roller

The brush roller can also get stuck which will cause a burning smell in the vacuum cleaner as well- usually when dirt and debris have built up all around it. Remove the belt, check to see what’s wrong with your vacuum cleaner and fix it before resuming use. Check the brush roller by unplugging and turning off the appliance. If necessary, replace the roller, or have your vacuum cleaner looked at by an authorized service provider.

  • Dust bag

The burning smell occurs when the dust bag is filled with too much. If you can’t find a replacement, please check out our vacuum cleaner bags .

  • Overheating Motor

If your motor has been working for an extended amount of time or if it’s been put under a lot of stress recently, then it could overheat and emit burning smells from its vents. Turn off the machine immediately and let it cool down before using again to avoid any serious damage. Allow yourself some extra time in between uses to give your device more time to rest as well as potentially prolonging its lifespan overall. You may also want to consider getting an expert opinion on what exactly might be causing such overheating.

  • Clogged filters 

If the vacuum cleaner’s filters are dirty or clogged, it can create a burning smell. This is because the motor has to work harder than usual in order to push the air through the filter and will eventually overheat. Be sure to check your vacuum cleaner’s filters often and clean them if needed- at least every month depending on how much you use your machine. You may want replace them entirely every few months for optimum performance.

Considere Our Tips!

The article has been a guide to understanding what causes burning smells in your vacuum and how you can troubleshoot the issue. If you have any questions or concerns about our tips, please contact us, we would be happy to help!