Can You Vacuum Glass

Vacuuming glass? Is it safe? Glass is one of the most fragile materials out there. It’s easy to scratch, and makes a big mess when broken. But what about vacuuming glass? Can you vacuum glass …

Vacuuming glass? Is it safe? Glass is one of the most fragile materials out there. It’s easy to scratch, and makes a big mess when broken. But what about vacuuming glass? Can you vacuum glass safely, or does that just make the problem worse by sending shards of glass across your floor for your dog to play with later on in the day?

Vacuuming Glass Surfaces

Vacuum cleaners have been around for many years and are very popular because they do a great job at sucking up dirt and debris from both carpets and bare floors. But what about vacuuming glass and glass surfaces?

  • Vacuuming of Computer Monitor, LED TVs or Window Glass

The answer is yes, it is safe to vacuum all of those items. In fact, vacuuming can help clean them and remove any dirt or dust that may be on the surface.

Be sure to use a soft brush attachment when vacuuming glass, as this will help avoid scratching the surface. And always make sure your vacuum cleaner is in good working order before using it on any delicate surfaces.

  • Will the powerful vacuum cleaner ruin the monitor glasss?

As long as you are using a soft brush attachment, your vacuum cleaner won’t ruin or even scratch the glass. However, you should still take care when using a powerful vacuum cleaner on delicate surfaces. If you’re not sure whether your vacuum cleaner is safe to use on glass, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek advice from an expert.

  • Handheld Vacuums for Cleaning Delicate Surfaces

As it turns out, some people have been using handheld vacuums specifically designed for cleaning up dust and dirt from computer monitors and other delicate surfaces without damaging them. These might be used only on glasses surfaces like windows or drinking glasses.



To use a handheld vacuum, start with turning off the device and unplug it before cleaning. Be sure to pull out any cords from underneath so that they don’t get tangled up in the machine’s brush head. Also be aware of where wires are attached because some televisions have fragile components on their backside which may break if handled roughly or carelessly.

Vacuuming Broken Glass: Is it safe?

When vacuuming broken glass, it is important to use caution. Vacuuming broken glass in not the best idea! If the glass is large and sharp, remember the broken glass could damage your vacuum cleaner including:

  • motor
  • hose
  • brushes
  • filters
  • the collection bag/canister.

The glass will come into touch with all of these elements, and it’s conceivable that they’d harm each piece.

But, there are also people who say it’s okay to vacuum glass as long as you’re careful about it.

  • Steps to Vacuum Broken Glass

If there is a lot of broken glass, consider using a broom and dustpan instead of a vacuum cleaner. Brooms can move larger pieces of glass more easily than vacuum cleaners and they won’t create as much of a mess.

If you decide to vacuum the broken glass, these are the basic steps:

  1. Remove any furniture in the area before vacuuming to avoid scratches on wood floors and legs getting caught in carpets while moving around.  Put on your safety gear. Wear thick-soled shoes and thick gloves if possible. Sweep up any big pieces. Keep these out of your vacuum as much as possible since they can puncture it.
  2. Use a low setting when vacuuming. Many modern vacuums have numerous power settings. To prevent tiny shards from flying throughout the room and injuring your vacuum, start with the lowest setting.
  3. Follow up with maximum power. After you’ve vacuumed the area on a low setting, go over it again with full force to ensure you’ve gotten every piece of broken glass.
  • Check for Leftovers of  Broken Glass
  1. You can use a bright flashlight to see if there are any remaining shards. Shine your light into every crevice and crack in order to find hidden pieces of glass that may not be visible otherwise
  2. You can also try using some adhesive tape to see if there are any remaining shards. Put a strip of tape on the area you’re cleaning, then lift it up and check for glass pieces that may have stuck to your tape. Repeat this process until you feel comfortable removing everything in one sweep.

Minimize Risks!

Vacuuming glass is a tricky topic. It’s no surprise that vacuums can send shards of glass across your floor, but what about the vacuum itself? We hope our blogpost will help you to minimize any risk for injury from breaking glass while also getting all those pesky little pieces out of your home!